lost at sea.

This song's chorus describes how I feel in a much better way than I could descibe in my own words. Papa has still been teaching me quite a bit here. i am learning that even though we don't see exactly why we are doing something...like serving in the Middle East...He can still use us. I want to be used by Him daily in ways that I cannot see or understand. I want to be used wherever He wants me. I want to be used in my absolute weakness.
We are moving to a different city on Sunday. Goodbyes are becoming all too familiar because of these past few months but I know and trust that His plan is much better than my own. this season of life has a purpose that is higher than I can see. It is difficult because goodbyes here mean that there will be more relationships built and even more goodbyes before we leave. I am learning that is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. May you be blessed to love on everyone you encounter even if you dont know where the next season of life will lead.
papas peace and love!


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